Monday, November 23, 2009

Mathilde's First Haircut!

We tried to make it until her second birthday next month but we just couldn't, her hair was getting out of control! You'd think her beautiful little curls would just keep curling up and out of her face but unfortunately they are a bit crazy and our little munchkin was having a hard time seeing through her bangs. Plus she won't let me 1) brush her hair, or 2) put clips in it, so we paid the big bucks for Mathilde's very first haircut this weekend. And she looks great!

Notice how she's not exactly thrilled in these photos but she never shed a tear and was mostly preoccupied with the fun new toys and barber's chair shaped like a car.

Here we have before, during, and after shots:

1 comment:

  1. You've convinced me that I should have Nora's hair cut by a real stylist. Everytime I do it she looks like she has a mullet. Mathilde looks adorable!
