Sunday, November 8, 2009

Like Daddy, Like Daughter

You know how family members start looking like each other after spending much time together? Well, it's starting to happen in our family. I've noticed recently that Mathilde and JJ have a lot of matching clothes... Here they are yesterday both wearing their aprons.

Then last weekend they both wore their Chicago Bears shirts in honor of the game (today they took them off fairly quickly).

I thought they also looked quite cute in their matching white t-shirts this summer on Long Island.

And then a few months ago they were seen putting together furniture in our new house wearing the same Bowdoin t-shirts complete with Polar Bears on their chests. Note: I actually went to Bowdoin but don't seem to have one of these matching shirts. Hmmmm...

Oh yeah, the matchy-matchy doesn't stop at Dada; look here at Mathilde and Mormor looking pretty in their purple dresses this summer.

Ok, I searched through Mathilde's early baby pictures and finally found one of Mama & Daughter in our matching shirts. Look at our bald little two month old!

Moral of the story: Since I'm the big shopper in the family I guess it's up to me to coordinate our outfits. Just wait until the holidays!!

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