Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy Holidays 2009!

Happy New Year to all!! Our family has had a wonderfully full holiday season and today we're relaxing in our cozy home and contemplating what the year will bring, or what we will bring to the year. Mathilde is napping (awesome!), JJ is trying to get over the big football loss this morning, and I am happily wearing sweatpants and catching up on home stuff. Commence 2010.

I can't help but look back a little at the past few weeks though and post fun pictures of Mathilde. She had quite an end to the year:

2nd birthday

Huge birthday party in Illinois - Thanks Grandma Guajardo!

Christmas eve with ALL of her Guajardo family including 13 cousins (and Santa who she was not very fond of)

Christmas day again with the cousins (and she finally starts to smile)

And a smile-filled, mellow new years eve in Seattle. Pheww, no wonder she's napping so well!

Then this morning, our little sweetie wanted to take her own pictures, starting off the new year just like mama:

Wishing everyone much love and lentils - which apparently bring good luck when eaten in honor of the new year - this first day of 2010!

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