Sunday, July 11, 2010

To the Beach!

A few weeks ago we drove out to Long Beach, Washington to stay in Andy & Heidi's beach house. We'd heard so much about this special place and our weekend lived up to the hype. I want to go back right now!! We ate well, played well, relaxed well, and all-in-all had a wonderful weekend with our great friends.

Who knew that Cape Disappointment would be so exciting??

Despite Mathilde's two splinters and my lack of a first-aid kit, we all LOVED the beach and can't wait to go back. Yet another reason we love being back home in Seattle. Thanks Andy & Heidi!!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy 4th of July!!

Ummmm, where did June go?? I swear I just posted on here but look at that, I missed an entire month! Sorry about that! I will post one picture here that captures the June/father's day spirit:

Yes, Mathilde has her own golf set and that's her and JJ practicing on our deck. Yes, she's very good, and yes, she's a righty (despite both of her parents being lefties. Where did we go wrong?!)

As for this chilly 4th of July weekend, we enjoyed much downtime in our cozy home and tried very hard not to be depressed that the sun seems to have forgotten us over here in the Northwest.

Here are JJ & Mathilde (aka dada's little shadow) cooking up a storm:

And then proudly waving her flag - Yep, it's a Danish one but it's the best we could do!

A patriotic sandwich:

And finally having fun with cousin Will while JJ and Daddy Will grilled in the rain and Susi and I sipped mojitos. Happy 4th everyone!!