Monday, May 31, 2010

Mormor and Pop-pop are here!

Sadly, they're gone back home to Maine already, but we just spent two wonderful weeks with my mom and dad (aka Mormor and Pop-pop) here in drizzly, gray Seattle! I love seeing my parents, JJ has fun with his in-laws, and Mathilde ADORES her grandparents. She had so much fun these past two weeks, I am nervous about sending her back to day care tomorrow. What is she going to do without Mormor's oatmeal or a trip on the #11 bus to the aquarium? What are my parents going to do without their #1 fan?? Seriously, it's going to be a tough transition back to "normal" life. But pictures help and here are some from our fabulous two weeks together...

Mathilde being her cute, stylish self:

Riding on boats (on a ferry to San Juan Island & napping on the whale watch - we saw humpbacks!!):

We saw lots of wildlife on San Juan Island including these adorable alpacas:

And we saw some beautiful, fun outside art by some local artists (Mathilde was less than thrilled but is always happy to come along for the ride in someone's arms):

Mathilde and I are very happy to announce that we finally have matching shirts (note: it's ok to wear tourist t-shirts from a local destination for mommy-daughter matching purposes!!)

A few days before Mormor & Pop-pop arrived, we celebrated mother's day in a local japanese gardens and with a bbq on our new deck. I meant to post these few pics earlier but we've been busy!

I am one lucky mama!!

Happy Memorial Weekend everyone!!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Lazy Sunday

Scene: Cool, windy outside; cozy family inside. Mama folding laundry and paying bills. Babe and dada cuddling on the couch watching "Free Willy". Chili crocking in the pot and life is good, very very good.

End scene (for now).

Oh, one more thing. Here's a Guajardo deck update:
The contractors will be here tomorrow to finish our deck! JJ built a gorgeous planter all by himself this weekend (sans plans) so that we can grow our own vegetable/herb garden. I am so proud. Now if only Mother Nature would give us some sunshine...