Yesterday was a beautiful crisp blue winter day and I couldn't deny my Maine roots; we just had to get out in the snow! Luckily, you can drive from green Seattle to snow in about 45 minutes so it was a doable day trip. I have been wanting to use our snowshoes for weeks now so we dug them out of storage and borrowed a backpack for Mathilde. We had no idea how we would fare since Mathilde can be, I'll just say it, supremely stubborn about trying new things, but there were two of us against one little one of her so as long as she was bundled, I wasn't too worried. And we won!! She cried about the backpack at first but after we got her comfortably in there and started walking in the snow, she was fine. Yes, parents DO know best sometimes!

We hiked for about 20 minutes and then found a perfect place for lunch.

Then we built a snowman and my pink little snow princess threw a few snowballs. It was so fun watching her fully embrace the snow.

We went a little bit further, enjoyed the gorgeous view (that's the downhill ski resort at Snoqualmie in the background), and then headed home for some hot chocolate and cuddles.

All in all, a perfect family day.