First a trip to the Ballard Locks.
Mathilde was more interested in the salmon ladder than in the boats and luckily a few salmon were still spawning. Not many but a few. One of the fish, I think he was a sockeye, looked quite grumpy.
At our yummy picnic, Mathilde made up a new sandwich - bagel with cream cheese and peanut butter! - and then re-enacted Grumpy Fish face for us.
Then she made me do Grumpy Fish.
But we turned those grumps around and took a happy family photo with smiles and open-eyes for all. Shocking!
Next we headed over to Golden Gardens beach for a few glorious minutes basking in the beauty and warmth that is Seattle. I love sitting on the beach looking across the Sound at the Olympic Mountains.
I love days like this. Just don't tell Mathilde we ate Grumpy Fish for dinner!